Web Resources

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health - Davis
The Medical Surveillance Program at UC Davis was established within the COEH. The UC Davis COEH provides graduate education in occupational and environmental epidemiology, occupational medicine, toxicology, agricultural engineering/ergonomics, clinical occupational health services for the public (Medical Surveillance), and research in occupational and environmental health. At its inception, the COEH made a commitment to deliver university services directly to the public. This is accomplished through a labor and community education program, a continuing professional education program and clinical services.

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health - Berkeley
The Center for Occupational and Environmental Health brings together faculty and staff on the Berkeley, Davis, and San Francisco campuses of the University of California to:
Educate future leaders in occupational and environmental health
Develop new knowledge related to occupational and environmental health issues
Bring the resources of the University of California to people affected by health hazards in their workplaces or communities

Occupational & Environmental Medicine - UCSF Department of Medicine
The mission of the Division of Occupational & Environmental Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco is to advance the field of occupational and environmental health through research, education, and service to patients and the community.

Workplace Health Promotion - CDC
On average, Americans working full-time spend more than one-third of their day, five days per week at the workplace. The use of effective workplace programs and policies can reduce health risks and improve the quality of life for American workers. Learn more about workplace health promotion and how to design, implement, and evaluate effective workplace health programs.

CDC Health Workforce Infographic
Learn how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) helps you improve organizational safety, health and productivity; attract and retain a high-performing workforce; and minimize healthcare costs.

Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
The Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (OLPPP) is a program in the California Department of Public Health that helps employers, workers, and others prevent lead poisoning in workers. Find more information to protect your workers.

Heat Illness Prevention Information
Heat Illness Prevention Steps, Regulations and Training Resources from the State of California Department of Industrial Relations

Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Standard
General Industry Safety Orders, safe practices and personal protection regulations. Title 8 §3395

National Institutes of Health - Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Information on and resources for preventing noise-induced hearing loss from the National Institutes of Health

Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard
General Industry Safety Orders, Control of Hazardous Substances, Title 8 §5144

CDPH - Occupational Health Branch
The Occupational Health Branch is a program in the California Department of Public Health devoted to improving worker health and safety through prevention activities. OHB works to prevent injury and illness on the job before they happen.