closeup of construction worker cutting concrete with large circular saw


The UC Davis Medical Surveillance Program provides medical surveillance for Silica exposure in compliance with both General Industry and Construction standards.

Required screening components include:

  • Physical Exam
  • Medical History with special focus on
    • Respiratory conditions
    • TB
    • Smoking
  • Chest x-ray (single, PA view with B reading)
  • Spirometry
  • TB testing

**Exams are repeated at least every three years**

Cal/OSHA's new permissible exposure limit for respirable crystalline silica of 0.05 milligrams per cubic meter (0.05 mg/M3), found in Title 8 section 5155, Table AC-1, went into effect on October 17, 2016. In addition, employers must continue to meet the requirements of Title 8 section 1530.1 to control employee exposures to dust created by operations conducted on concrete or masonry materials. 

For more information please reference Cal/OSHA's FAQ regarding the respirable crystalline silica standard for construction